Thought For The Day

New Friends

Wouldn’t it be delightful to have a job where you are constantly meeting new people, and as a result, perhaps, find a new friend? There is a vast difference between meeting someone, and having that one become a friend.  What is even more exciting is that some of those friendships will, after many years, be the people you count on when struggles come, or health take a turn for the worse, or death invades your life one way or another.

Being blessed with so many friends over the years, and staying in touch with some of them over the long term, is a gift that cannot be replaced by anything else. I am still in touch with friends that I met 60, 50, 40, etc. years ago. Who would have thought that in a World that is changing so fast it makes one’s head swim, those relationships would endure?

All of my closest friends are people who I met because of my involvement with the Church of Jesus Christ (God’s family). The reality is – they are part of my family – by blood – the blood of our Lord and Savior.  I also have “acquaintances” that I met through the Church. I know them, they know me, and we see and talk on occasion, but close friends. . .well, not so much. I don’t struggle with that. It take a lot of interaction to become “close friends.” I also have friends that I met outside the purview of the Church. We believe in different things and different Truths, and it’s hard to get “close” when that is the case.

Sometimes people just pretend to be friends. Exchanging words,  letters, activities, etc., but never intertwining lives together. We call them friends, but, the reality is – the correct words is acquaintances. I don’t have to be a friend, or even an acquaintance, to learn from someone, or be blessed by someone, to pray for someone, or be one who cares about people I have never met, and look for ways to help them.

Think about YOUR friends! Maybe you should send a note, or call, or set up a visit.  A good friends deserves attention.


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