Thought For The Day

A Movie

Last night, all caught up on my work (uh huh, sure), my bride and I decided to watch a movie. I saw a title that intrigued me even though I knew it would be totally speculative. I was not wrong about that, but it did move me to tears at times. “The Young Messiah” (2016) was based on a book by Anne Rice. As always, in this  genre of movies, it moves along on conjecture and emotion. I would only recommend watching it if you are sure of the Truth (God’s Word), and can distinguish that which is not.

I was most impressed by the journey of the 7 (seven) year old (Movie) Messiah to Jerusalem for Passover where he speaks with those at the Temple. The Scriptures give us a glimpse of Christ asking and answering questions of the Rabbis and other religious leaders (when He was twelve years old – see Luke 2:41-52) and astounding them with his knowledge and understand. It was a little different in the Movie, but non-the-less I was reminded that our Lord was fully human, and fully God, and, as a man ,would be curious from an early age regarding who He really was. Scripture also tells us in Luke 2:52 that He “grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Tears filled my eyes as the Movie roadway was filled with Roman crosses bearing dying criminals, on the journey from Jerusalem to Nazareth . I can only imagine what was in our Savior’s mind as He walked, in all likelihood, a similar road home with Joseph and Mary. Other than His baptism at the hands of John the Baptist, and the beginning of His ministry in Galilee, we know little about His life until His return to Nazareth.

My question is this: If when we are ‘born again” and become a member of the family of God, how long should it take us to be eagerly curious about who we are in Christ, and what His will has designed for us to be about in our Spiritual walk with Him along Earth’s journey? So many of us are growing older than we want to be and yet have discovered little about the power and wisdom alive in us through His Spirit within our innermost being. We debate about whether it is mandatory to be part of the Church (the Body of Christ), or pray without ceasing, or share our faith with those around us at every opportunity. We seem more akin to the “Movie Messiah” (a sweet little boy who lloved to play), rather than loyal t0 Christ our Redeemer, and Lord of All.


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