Thought For The Day


It’s neither here nor there but I had the wrong idea about retirement. I though there would be a lot of sitting on the porch watching the flowers grow and the deer sauntering through the yard. That was a far cry from what I found. Every day I have to make choices about the tasks that lie ahead. There is brush to gather and burn, then more to cut. There are fields that must be mowed before Spring so that the grass has a fresh start, there is pruning the blackberries, starting the garden, gathering the constant debris that is the nightmare of a pine tree farm, and the  barn has to be swept – again – is the order from the kitchen. So much to do and so little time to do it. And tomorrow those unfinished and all the new ones need to fine a spot in my day

It is not much different in our Spiritual life. There are choices to make. When we were Redeemed  by the blood of Christ, a whole new era of choices presented themselves. Let me share just a very few. When, and how long will I pray today? There are friends and acquaintances that are in great need or poor heath, a Nation that is slipping further away from God’s design every day, there is a World of folks yet to hear a personal witness – and for many of us they are next door – and we need more Bible Study. . .lots more. The Church needs us to minister, the Government needs us to file tax returns, our friends need to hear from us, and we need to “be still” (Isaiah 46:10) and listen to our Father’s voice deep within our innermost being.

Choices – and we make them every day. Over and over. I wonder if we make the right ones?


  • Justin S.

    Nehemiah 8:11
    “Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved.”

    Understanding the Word and utilizing its infinite Wisdom helps me so much with my my day to day activities.

    Just like the Levites in the book of Nehemiah taught the people and helped them to understand, you often help me understand the Word. Thank you Brother!

    Galation 6:6
    I Just wanted to share with you today my gratefulness for your teaching and friendship!

    Llove you Brother!

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