For the Beauty
Having a couple of days (Thanksgiving and Black Friday) when I am directed to not do any work of any kind (we have guests) has give me opportunity to live out the words of one of the beautiful hymns we sing at this time of the year.
“For the beauty of the Earth, for the glory of the sky, for the llove that from our birth, over and around us lies.”
Yesterday my youngest son and I went for a walk down to the lake I llove so much. The water was crystal clear and the reflected beauty of the sky in the water was absolutely wonderful. No one could sit down to such a marvelous meal as the one served in our little home and not clearly understand the llove that flows from one who works so hard to please others and meet every desire – salad with nuts, salad without nuts; lemon pie for one, pecan for another, and chocolate for others; turkey cooked to perfection, and cream corn fit for a King; dressing and potatoes so everyone gets their favorite; llove abounds.
How good is God who brings such blessings in our life. Today I walked in the woods with my long time friend from South Dakota, and we talked of old times, good times, and how much we enjoy being together.
I am thankful every day that my life has such pleasures and joys. I want to be faithful in my thanksgiving, making sure I express it clearly. I have friends who may not know how important they are to me, and I will work toward their finding out. How exciting that God has given us others to share our lives.
By the way, I am so thankful you are a reader of Lloveletters!!!