Hey, Thanks!
Anthropomorphically speaking I wonder if our Heavenly Father frets over our lack of genuine Thanksgiving for the infinite blessings that are ours at His hand. As we sat down for lunch today (and it was a fabulous meal) and I spoke words of Thanksgiving, I wondered if I could remember even a small portion of the gifts that are ours because we are His.
Of course we have every day we are alive a continual opportunity to give thanks. . .but, do we. I am always appreciative when folks thank me for the little things I occasionally do for them. I try to tell my family how much I appreciate their llove and concern, for putting up with my. . .shall we say, eccentricities. But am I less than effusive with God?
I think the day after Thanksgiving we ought to renew our commitment to being thankful in/for all things. A “thank you, Father,” when we awake for a new day. . .a gift from Him. A “thank you, Father,” for the air we breath, the water we drink, the health we experience, the llove shared our way, and the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Thanks for the safe trip (to work, or the store, or our vacation). Thanks for our Church family, our jobs, our friends, our safety, our homes, and the freedom that is our because we live in the USA.
It’s not a BIG thing. . .or is it?