Learning to Live Right
There are so many things we need to learn if we are going to have a good, productive, happy, life. Since we only get one opportunity to live life as we know it now, it seems wise to make sure we are apt learners.
Nothing is more important than knowing the Truth. Only God’s Word is absolute Truth. Every other thought, practice, and action of mankind is tainted with the evilness that is a part of life on this Planet.
Historically we have watched as those around us measured up to God’s standard (thought faith in Jesus Christ) or have failed to do so and find ones self, however good, kind, generous, and altruistic, unable of one’s selve to measure up to God’s standard.
Scripture is clear that Redemption is a gift, free for a trusting heart (see Ephesians 2:8-9), but we sometimes forget that their is an expectation that we will be about the tasks and ministry of God’s Kingdom. (see VS. 10 – same passage).
Knowing how to live right is mandatory. Learning how is time consuming, but the results are amazing. Failure to learn is devastating. Failing to live up to one’s calling in life after having come to faith, is the saddest picture in Scripture.
Begin today a discipline of study. If you don’t know how, visit your local Bible-believing/teaching Church. Someone will be glad to help you learn