If midnight signals anything, it signals the end. The end of day – the end of life – the end of a circumstance.
God said in Exodus: “At midnight I will go into the midst of Egypt and all the first born shall die.”
Job tells us that – “The people shall be troubled at midnight and pass away.”
Matthew related – “It was midnight when the bridegroom came and the foolish were unprepared.”
We must come to the midnight of our disobedience. We must come to the midnight of our wandering in darkness. We must come to the midnight of our failure to practice faith. We must come to the midnight of our lack of llove for the people and things of God.
How does one do that?
Think about and consider your ways in the light of God’s Truth. (Psalm 119:59)
Move quickly, without delay, toward obedience to that Truth. (Psalm 119:60)
Cut your ties with everything that separates you from God’s design for your life. (Psalm 119:61)
Allow the midnight of your past failure to become the beginning of a new day, the beginning of a new relationship with the people of God, and the beginning of a new obedience to the prompting of God’s Spirit. (Psalm 119:62)
What time is it in your experience? Is it midnight yet?
One Comment
Cheryl White
It’s time…it’s midnight.