Thought For The Day

New Image

Scripture tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalms 134:19) Certainly that means we should value who we are, and that of which we are capable, and the physical image that makes us absolutely unique in this world.

Unfortunately, there is arising a plethora of people who are unhappy with their physical appearance and look to fantasy to correct their concerns. Note that we are talking about “cosmetic” surgery and not that which corrects birth or physical defects which negatively affect one’s life and health.

“A new phenomenon, dubbed ‘Snapchat dysmorphia,’ has patients seeking out cosmetic surgery to look like filtered versions of themselves instead, with fuller lips, bigger eyes, or a thinner nose,” they [Dermatoligist from the Boston School of Medicine] write. “This is an alarming trend because those filtered selfies often present an unattainable look and are blurring the line of reality and fantasy for these patients.” (TIME)

Fifty-five percent of Plastic Surgeons report that people want to look “different” than they do in “selfies,” even though the appearance they want is skewed by the very mechanics of a “selfie” photograph.

Not being a “beautiful person” helps me to understand that while I don’t look as “good”as most other folks, I understand that I am what God made me to be, and it relieves the angst of wanting to look like someone else (previously many people want to look like “movie stars”) or to change my features to match some filtered version of my physical image.

It is symptomatic of our society that many (most?) are never satisfied by what this World has to offer. Such folk believe that a better shaped nose, or thicker lips, or some other correction to a  “mistake that God made,” will make us happier and less dissatisfied with life.

Ultimately, of course, the only reality that brings genuine happiness and satisfaction is to be centered in Christ Jesus, our Lord, and find acceptable (even beautiful) what the Lord has made. A satisfied heart, full of grace, mercy and llove, overcomes concerns about physical beauty. BTW, I plan to llove you no matter how you look. Maybe you can do the same.


One Comment

  • Anonymous

    It was such a great Blessing to both of you at SG this past Sunday.

    And….we llove you still, just the way you are!
    Please visit us again soon.
    P.S. Tell Margie she can get some good bruise gel
    at a Wal-Mart, called arnicare Gel. works for
    me as I sure do bruise easily! Hope she’s better. Give her a hug from us too!
    Llove, Joyce and John

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