Thought For The Day


(This lloveletter is a repeat from 2010, posted because it is so needed.)

I’ve been thinking about our Pastor’s message last Sunday. He talked about the importance of making every day count. One of the things he said, however, has stuck in my mind – and I have decided he is right. . .to a point.

He said, “to rest is not to waste – Jesus said to His disciples in Mark 6:31 – “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while.” If you’re familiar with that passage you know that they didn’t find the rest for which they longed, but instead, fed a few thousand people who showed up for a message and a meal.

I’ve been thinking that there are two kinds of resting – one is the product of self-induced laziness. There are folks who spend a lot of time resting, or most of their time resting, because they are just, plain lazy. I don’t have a lot of tolerance for those who refuse to do what needs to be done. The Scripture is clear that we are to have work, do that work, and make that an on-going focus of our life.

There are others who rest (or should) because they have earned it. I believe that was the case in the Scripture referenced above. The disciples of Christ had just returned from a mission (see verse 12) and were confronted with the news that John the Baptist had been beheaded.

Hard work and sadness combine to make one really tired. Rest is not only deserved, it is required if one is to continue to be about the business of following our Lord’s commands.

Whatever you do, don’t be lazy! Whatever you do, take the time you need to rest, recover, re-vitalize your spirit, so that His Spirit can use you for effective ministry in the family of God. You are vital to His work in your Church family.

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