Thought For The Day

Focus on Christmas

People are heavy into gift buying. My plan includes waiting until next week to get started. I don’t want to get ahead of the game just in case Christmas get’s canceled because of some “virus” or another excuse. Except for those who choose to focus on the Savior, everything else is just a lavish (though often beautiful) way to line the pockets of  those who profit from the Christmas season, Even kids, too young to know how the Christmas season works, think more about the presents they will receive than they do about why there is a Christmas time to begin with.

Most Believers who have any Biblical insight know that Jesus Christ was  likely not (we don’t have a date of that birth) born in December.  Contrived greed has driven December’s madness since the very first “celebration.” The Truth is there are precious few who ignore the Christmas hype for a time, and take a few moments, or hours, or days, to focus attention on the advent of God’s Son for the purpose of redemption through the sacrifice of death on Calvary’s cross.

Please don’t misunderstand my thinking. The  Church I attend  will be the base for distributing gifts, collected through the Ministerial Alliance, to needy children in our community. Our Church has a party planned where we will enjoy Christmas “goodies” and laugh our way through a “white elephant gift” exchange. We are not “anti-Christmas” nor do we avoid the beauty of the season. We do, however, understand that the focus on Christmas is, for us, the Savior, born in Bethlehem some 2000+ years ago, crucified to eradicate the curse of sin and death, who now reigns in Heaven guiding, guarding, shepherding, lloving His children, and will return one day (soon? Maybe) to take us home – a place He has prepared for those who llove Him, and are the called according to His purpose,

Christmas can be a wonderful time of celebrating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Don’t forget: HE is the reason for the season!! Wise men (and women) still seek HIM!!

Please do!!

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