Thought For The Day

What Are You Giving. . .

By now you have undoubtedly bought a passel of gifts for the folks around you. At my house everything that gets bought in December gets wrapped up and goes under the Christmas Tree from groceries to socks, from underwear to mowing machines. We have been known to unwrap gifts for days because my bride so lloves to wrap up stuff and give it to practically everyone she knows. I have seldom, if ever, mentioned some little something that caught my eye during the year that I did not find under the Tree on Christmas morning.

The real question, however, we need to deal with at this time of year (or any other time of year) is – What are you giving to our Heavenly Father? Here are a few things you might consider:

The entirety of your Heart. Hold nothing back, go full out, give it all to the one who gives life (now and eternally) to you.

The entirety of your Mind. Fill your head with the knowledge of Truth. Learn it! Llove it! Live it!

The Time it takes. To pray, to share, to encourage others, to support your Church family, to spend time alone with Him without distraction by life’s struggles.

The Consecration it takes. To be a light shining in  the darkness of this World.

The Concentration it takes. To focus upon what is His calling specifically designed for you, and for which He has gifted you through the power of His Spirit.

The Strength required: To live as He intended in this difficult, crazy World.

Just do it!


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