Thought For The Day

It’s A New World Out Therel

I would suppose one could easily find a number of folks for whom their World has not changed much in the last year or so. I still see people wandering around Wal-Mart looking for all the World as if they have not heard that we are in the throes of a Worldwide Pandemic. No mask, no distancing, no concerns, no worries. But that does not seem to be the case for the vast majority of people who are scared, worried, certain that they will die if they get the virus, and doing everything possible to avoid that including shutting down the life they have known since they were born.

This sort of thing has been a part of our World history since long ago. Disease, plagues, pandemics, etc. have been a part of the lives of men and women. Some have been stone cold killers. Some have been relatively mild. However, if one is confident that he/she  is going to have an issue with the hurt, he/she will do almost anything to avoid it. It is not too much to ask that they spend their time alone, isolated, foregoing all travel outside their home, and living under a crushing load of mind-bending fear.

Every bit of hope that the current Pandemic could end was staked on the development of a vaccine. And, perhaps that is the end-all in this case, but it has been repeated over and over that the vaccines now available, will not prohibit one from getting the virus, and new strains may not respond to the vaccine at all. There is no certainty that once one has had the virus, that will keep them from having it again.

Some have said this virus is a weapon developed to do exactly what  it has accomplished. I doubt that, but I can’t rule it out. I do know that it has damaged the life of the Church of Jesus Christ and is likely to do so for the foreseeable future. Fear will keep people from gathering for Worship, Bible Study and other activities which build, strengthen, and mature Believers. Uncertainty damages the psyche and overrules the knowledge that we (Believers) are safe in the hands of our Savior, and He will forever keep us – here or there. We have nothing to fear except that which keeps us from our absolute assurance that He will protect us in this life or the next, and ever thing about this life must be about His design and purpose for us. Paul the Apostle says it well in Philippians 1:20b-21 – “Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For me, living is Christ and dying is gain.”

Do not allow this Pandemic to rob you of that Truth, that power, that life!!

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