Thought For The Day

Un-Civil War

The current un-Civil War is not going on in the streets as some suspected (and they may still prove right), rather it can be seen growing like a cancer in the United States House of Representatives. Chosen sides have decided that the First Amendment to the Constitution is not suitable for its members and therefore those who violate one side’s chosen verbiage or participation in thinking differently about certain issues, must be stripped of their responsibilities like a child stripped of his tinker toys because he is building some thing that doesn’t suit his friends. Children at play!

It would appear that various people or “parties” of people are going to try to set the rules, enforce the rules, and stop all opposition, changing forever the sacred practice of one’s right to say and think in any manner they choose as long as it does not damage the physical person or privilege of others. That is not only a mistake, it is an  indication of the colossal failure of the United States in its endless pursuit of a Democratic Representative Republic. The “ruling” class has subsumed the Government, and everyone else (think: the common man or woman) has become non-essential.

There are a lot of things I don’t want said around my family or me, and actions that people take that offend my sense of what is right and good, but I have no right to take corrective measures in any manner (other than an expression of my distaste for such) regarding the life of another person. (Hence the First Amendment to the Constitution)

Perhaps it is time to discuss removing the phrase “In God we trust,” from our pledge,  our monetary system, our structures, and and other places within the workings of our Government, and insert a phrase such as “Every man and woman for themselves,” or “You are on your own.” Our Nation (collectively) is moving away from any semblance of one founded, sustained, and protected, by the Omnipotent, Omniscience, Creator of all life, and is well underway in turning this once great Republic over to the by-in-large faulty thinking, dangerously acting, foolish “leadership” of our Government.

John Adams, President of the United States, said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Is a solution available? Yes. One can only be a leader when some other one or more is following. It is time to follow the only Leader who has everyone’s best interest at heart – the Redeemer, Savior, and Lord, Jesus Christ – and it all begins with you and me!!  (Psalm 33:12)

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