Thought For The Day

Immutable God

There is an extremely intriguing verse in Deuteronomy 30. It cannot help but make one wonder if the issues in life are there because God has somehow managed to change, or, rather, we are failing to live up to the standard He established. Here is the verse in part –

“The Lord your God will make you prosper abundantly in all the work of your hands. . .and will again delight in your prosperity. . .when you obey the Lord your God by keeping His commands and statutes that are written in this book of the law and return to Him with all your heart and all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 30:8-9 HCSB)”

First, let me assure you that this has nothing to do with the “prosperity gospel” that is so prevalent these day – especially on Television. Prosperity in the Scriptures has to do with our Heavenly Father providing everything one needs to be all that one is designed to be. Don’t be confused by those bandits with little more than a lust for “Worldly goods.”

The Truth is God delights in providing, according to His riches in Glory, all that one needs to be about living out, as a purchased life, the ministry to which one is called. I am unalterably convinced that the issue is not a “changed God,” rather it is about the “alls” and the “keeping” in the last part of vs. 9. God’s family (the Church) is about knowing, understanding, and appropriating the TRUTH (God’s Word) into a daily journey, and living before Him, in the entirety of a focused, unwavering, absolutely committed innermost being.

Is the Family of God of which you are a part on that track? Are the members of that family living such a journey? Is leadership proclaiming an Immutable God, and leading the charge to obedience? We are quick to respond with – “no one is perfect!!” Matthew 5:48 is the standard. While impossible for us, Because God is perfect righteousness He cannot impose a lesser standard (which will be accomplished in us through Christ), but God forbid we should choose a lesser standard through the weakness of our fleshly nature.

Fight on, Family of God, fight on!

[Editor’s Note: Christian West writes what he needs to hear.]


One Comment

  • Bob G Wade

    This LLove letter enforces something that has been on my heart for sometime. Is the church really rooted and grounded in Gods word, the truth of which is needed today perhaps more than any other time?

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