Thought For The Day

Really? Seriously? (Just my rant)

With our Nation in a major pandemic, Washington is a battle ground of ideas and ideals, political unrest, major storms piling up ice and snow and cars, power outages that are leaving folks without heat and lights packing their groceries and frozen foods in snow banks, millions of people unable to get around and hospitals covered up with problems, here comes the latest unbelievable disconnect with sanity I have yet to see.

A NBA basketball player is quite upset, angry, and struggling with this mountain of disrespect, because the team his team played in their last game sent a relatively unknown (to NBA stardom)player to guard him during the game. Can you imagine! What is even more disappointing to this writer is that it made the news. Someone(s) picked up the story and peddled it to a national outlet so that all the people mentioned in the first paragraph could empathize with this clown.

Watching a society implode is not my idea of a good time. So called “leaders” will not hear and obey TRUTH, and are doing everything possible to promote and legalize the very activities that will lead to the dissolution of America – resulting ultimately in our becoming a “third World country.” Abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, unpunished crime of every stripe, divorce, failure of the home, declining education, hatred and animosity among the races, and National leadership overfull with absolute ignorance, greed and selfishness, will soon fully and completely open the slippery slope to all of America’s masses.

Sometimes I am convinced that nothing will change for the better. . .ever again – until the Lord God of Heaven returns for his Bride.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

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