Thought For The Day

New (or Old) Ways

The little Church family to which I belong is a wonderful mix of special people. Sunday evening is a time forsaken by so many congregations, but we have chosen to remain faithful to the idea that the “whole day” belongs to God (as do they all) and our attention focuses on that. We are not immune to the reality that Sunday evening is not popular with many of God’s children, so our family is smaller in numbers on Sunday evening. Hence we have made a tactical change in the way we gather.

We have decided to create a “circle” of sorts with round tables pushed together and everyone sitting facing everyone (no more rows with every one facing the speaker), and it has made a change that we are enjoying (at least it appears that way). Anyone, and everyone, is invited to be a part of the “conversation.” Don’t be misled. We are focused on learning, Worshiping and praying, For example, last evening we talked about that Sunday’s morning message. It was entitled “Who Are You! What Are You Doing Here,” and our perceptions  gained from the message. In the end our leader gave us insight into how what we were doing was exactly what Scripture calls for – in “giving back” (Galatians 6:6) to the Teacher by demonstrating our understanding of the message that had been delivered that morning

The “fellowship” was amazing, the input was significant, and the joy of sharing, in a physically close interconnection, was heartwarming. AND, listen, that is what the “Church” family is about. As redeemed men and women we are intertwining our collective lives together in harmony and llove, while growing stronger in knowledge and wisdom. People will soon know that “we are His disciples because we love one another.” (see John 13:35)

Maybe there will be a “rebirth” of “Church, the Sunday Night Place.”

(Editor’s Note: “Church, the Sunday Night Place” is a long ago abandoned program of the Southern Baptist Convention.)

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