Thought For The Day

A Response

Here at we don’t see much feedback. It’s OK. We believe that the words going out will reach a few, and maybe  bring something good into their life. But this morning when we checked the mail – there was one note (response). Thanks, MJ, we miss you, and our llove for you continues. That is the whole of what we do here, lloving God, lloving people, and reminding ourselves on a regular basis that is why God has left us here on Planet Earth.

It would appear, however, that a passel of people have forgotten that. While we don’t have statistics to prove it, our heart tells us that ALL of God’s family needs to be reminded on a regular basis that if we are not about a work of ministry toward those around us, we are misusing our time here. So many Churches (real “called out ones”) are smaller year over year, and many (usually larger) groups have taken a track that is more oriented toward Worldly things than Godly things. Often the move is toward “Earthy show time” rather than “Spiritual grow time,” and the “Church” becomes a place that is clearly not focused on TRUTH and LLOVE.

If Lloveletters reaches a single individual, that as a result is strengthened in Christ, we are on the right track. If encouraging Believers to get busy in their “Church” builds regular attendance, and commitment to personal ministry, we are on the right track. If anyone learns the Truth, and adopts that into their daily life, we (and they) are  on track. If someone, anyone, finds the Llove of God is real and available to redeem us from the curse of sin and death, we win.

If you want to join us – well, that is great. Share the address. But if you are not serving the Savior, get Truth, get Right, and get Busy sharing the TRUTH2 Corinthians 5:17.


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