Thought For The Day


In Exodus 3:14,  Our Heavenly Father told Moses His name. It is easy to use the name GOD for all kinds of conversations, some good, and some pure blasphemy.  I believe that we need to understand the reality of  who we worship and who we ignore, and who some curse. It may be impossible to understand all, or maybe any, of what I AM encompasses. It is the task of finite man attempting to grasp an infinite concept/reality that is well beyond our capabilities. Never the less it is simple Truth that we desperately must understand the invincible power of His work in and through us. Reading through the Scriptures we are given multiple truths regarding who I AM is, and does.

If you are a Bible reader you will know these things. if you are not, here is a taste of who He is. H is the bread of life, the light of the World, the door to all things, and the Good Shepherd. He is resurrection and life, He is the way, the Truth, and the life. He is the vine – of which we are branches, He is he one for whom all men search, He is an all consuming fire, He is our High Priest and Messiah, He is the Alpha and the Omega, He is Lord of all. He is the one to whom every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord of all things on Earth and in Heaven. He even walks on water.

I need to be reminded that I AM tells me who I am. 

I AM purchased my my life on Calvary. I AM designed my path, my journey, my joys and sorrows, my failures and my victories,  I Am gives my health and my hurts, my strength and my weakness, my poverty and my riches, and my eternity. I AM  tells me who I am.    

I AM put me here. I will be here till I AM takes me away. 

Now, what about you?

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