Thought For The Day

How’s that again?

Don’t you llove the way our Government thinks? If only we could operate our personal budget, or the Church of Jesus Christ, with the same kind of financial mindless abandon.

I did not spend much time thinking about Social Security until the last couple of years (surprise, surprise – wonder why now) but I have been paying those taxes since I was 14 years old. Now that we are in such a financial mess as a Nation, I am noticing the “thinking” of our leaders –

Social Security has built up a $2.5 trillion surplus since the retirement program was last overhauled in the 1980s. Benefits will be safe until that money runs out. So far, so good. . .then –  The $2.5 trillion surplus, however, has been borrowed over the years by the federal government and spent on other programs. (Associated Press)

So. . . any normal thinking person, as opposed to, say, a Congress person, would realize the money has already run out.

Well there is one hope – Heaven! There are no shortages or budgetary restraints, or dubious thinking there. Jesus said, “I am going to prepare a place for you, and I will come again so that where I am, there you will be also.” Of course, everyone talking about Heaven ain’t going there. Jesus said, “I am the door; I am the way.”

Do you know Him?

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