Thought For The Day

Getting the Signals Right

There’s a move afoot to change the traffic signals so that people will be less confused about such things as “right of way,” and when they are or are not allowed to make certain traffic moves.

Motorists soon may notice a colorful change in the left-turn lane at intersections in Texas and across the United States. A new federal rule encourages cities to do away with the solid green lamp on traffic signals in the left lane — which under current law is the commonly accepted way of telling motorists that it’s OK to turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic. Instead, the Federal Highway Administration wants cities and states to begin replacing that solid green ball with a flashing yellow arrow. The flashing yellow arrow makes it more clear to drivers that they must proceed cautiously before turning left, federal officials say. Safety research shows that a solid green light sometimes gives motorists the false impression that they have the right of way — “green means go,” right? — which can lead to avoidable collisions at intersections.Gordon Dickson, Star-Telegram

Here’s a novel approach. How about making sure people know the laws regarding driving before they are issued a license? Or for example, we could get some signals that – reminds drivers that they must STOP before turning “right on red.” Maybe we could develop a signal that encourages left turners to move into the continuous turn lane before slamming on their brakes and making a turn across the lane at approximately a 90 degree angle. Could we get some help with a signal that motivates freeway entrants to speed up or slow down to seamlessly move into 70mph traffic rather than entering the freeway at 30mph confident everyone will be able to instantly drop 40mph from their speed to avoid smashing into the entrant.

And last, how about a signal that prohibits changing lanes to move in to a space that is 1/4 the length of your vehicle?

If our Preacher gave Truth as poorly as some people drive, no one would make it to Heaven. Fortunately, he and others have it right – Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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