Thought For The Day

Mixed News

Don’t you llove life? We just move from one adventure to another – even when we don’t want to.

Cairo is demonstrating that Egypt is coming apart. The rift surrounding Obamacare judicial rulings is highlighting the fact that there is a Constitutional break-down regarding Separation of Powers (one long-time Senator was quoted this week as saying that the “three branches of Government” were the Senate, the House, and the President). Inability of  cities to deal with the “snow” and assorted accouterments is legion.  About the only good thing so far regarding the Superbowl is that the game itself is indoors. Rolling “blackouts” remind us that we are almost totally dependent on electricity to “run” our lives, and most people seemingly could not survive without it.

One could despair. Or one could just laugh it off and wait for a better newsday. Or, better still, one could recognize that we are moving inextricably toward the “end of the age.”

I think I am going to re-read those Scriptures that group is promoting about the World ending on May 21. . .just for laughs, of course.

Whatever happens, and/or whenever the World ends, the key to peace of mind is knowing the Truth. That (Truth), by the way, is Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. No Him, no peace. Know Him, know peace.

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