Thought For The Day

Who Knows?

Who knows where all of this is going to end? No, I don’t mean the end of the world. I’m a “short-timer” now, but I grow more and more concerned about my kids and my grand kids. What kind of life will they have even if our beloved United States manages to survive, and the Lord tarries His coming?

This past month my credit card bill was over $10,000. Fortunately my employer is on the hook for about $7500 of that, but I wondered what would happen if I chose to make the minimum payment (which lots of people do) and allow interest to start (I pay the bill in total each month as should you if you charge to a credit card). It wouldn’t be long before that interest, along with property mortgages, car payments, rising utility costs, devaluation of the dollar, and skyrocketing fuel costs would begin to make my debt unmanageable. Bankruptcy, and ultimately financial ruin (read: collapse) would follow.

Why is it we can’t seem to grasp that fact regarding our State and Nation. Why was I surprised when I read in the news this morning that Texans are not paying for the roads and highway improvements (have you noticed the construction?) that are being built.

Texas has borrowed $11.9 billion, which will cost $21.1 billion including interest and other fees, to pay back over 30 years, said state Rep. Joe Pickett, D-El Paso.

I am afraid we will find out soon that our State is going the route of several others that are balancing on the edge of  financial failure. Of course, that matters little if our Nation loses (or has lost) its collective mind.

The only way to repay these massive debts is to take from the young to pay for the foolishness of the old. Hence, my kids and grand kids have a grim future.

If I weren’t optimistic I would be pessimistic. I think Jesus is coming soon. I know God is in charge. I know the life of every Believer is absolutely secure in the Savior and the Father’s infinite llove. But if Christ does not come soon, our beloved Nation is on a path to economic collapse – and those Nations stronger than us will rule over us, and our children and children’s children will serve a task master which is not the freedom we have know in our lifetime. God will still reign and rule – but their life will never know the abundance that has made America the finest place in the world to be a slave chosen by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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