Thought For The Day

Citizen of Heaven

I remember those songs we used to sing – “I am a poor wayfaring stranger, traveling through this world below. . .” and “This world is not my home, I’m just ‘a passing through, my home is way up there somewhere beyond the blue. . .”, etc. I didn’t realize that could have some impact on my “frequent” contacts with the Police (I got stopped a year or two ago for speeding – 58 mph in a 55mph zone – the good officer advised me the DPS does not allow tolerance in relationship to highway speeds. I still have the “warning” ticket). If only I had known I could claim that I am not a citizen of this Country any more, nor subject to it jurisdiction. How do I know that, you wonder?

COLLEYVILLE — A man identifying himself by numerous names and declaring himself not subject to state and federal law has asked a federal court to take jurisdiction of his traffic case after he said city police unlawfully tried to coerce him into showing a driver’s license. The man, who lists ties to the “Moorish National Republic,” says in his federal court petition that he is “free to travel” and that he did not give his express consent to be detained by police. In a financial statement accompanying his petition, he also says he should not have to pay court fees or “be compelled to fill out any ritualistic forms.”

Right on, brother. I hate those ritualistic forms. It is a pain to lug that driver’s license around, and as for court fees – forget it.

I don’t know anything about the “Moorish National Republic.” I bet they are part of the “Republic of Texas,” or “Sons of Anarchy,” or some such. As long as they ride a Harley, who cares?

I do know about Heaven, and I am a “citizen” there. Maybe others of you who feel that way would be interested in joining my group – “Citizens of Heaven, Inc.” We’re going to meet on Sunday about 10 ish. I’ll be looking for you.

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