Thought For The Day

Which Is It?

I may be the most cynical person around, but I am just astounded at the foolishness which permeates every level of Government. Here is the latest blurb to get my blood simmering (that’s a little short of boiling) –

High-occupancy-vehicle lanes are typically reserved for cars with at least two or three people, and anyone who tries to use the lanes while driving alone is subject to a ticket. But owners of electric vehicles could use the HOV lanes for free under a bill that passed a Senate transportation committee Wednesday. (Gordon Dickson, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram)

I assume what the writer meant was that electric vehicles could use the lane with only one passenger. HOV lanes were established in an attempt to decrease the number of vehicles on the road (hoping to create car-pools, multi-passenger co-ops, etc.), believing that less vehicles would create less emissions, less traffic, fewer accidents, etc.,  not to promote the purchase and use of certain types of vehicles i.e. electric cars.
Electric cars are a long way from being practical in our society. Allowing them this privilege, and others that will be added by “well-meaning” people is detrimental to the gains made (if any) by the original premise.
It is not Government’s job to influence which model of car is on the roadway. Remember when this Country was a bastion of freedom? Remember when Government kept it’s nose out of our personal business – well, I don’t either, but I long to return to those days.
The next thing I expect to see is the Church telling me I don’t need Worship on Sunday evening,  and that organs are “out of date,” and I need to get comfortable with a “five-piece combo.” 
See, I told you I was cynical.

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