Thought For The Day

If You Got ’em, Spank ’em

Here’s a prescription your tyke doesn’t get from a doctor every day — or,  probably, ever: “Apply large paddle to bottom of child anytime he needs it.” (D. Barbee, Star-Telegram)

This quote from today’s news is followed by one of those strange stories where anyone with a sense of understanding will recognize that the truth will forever be lost in perceptions.

But I thought it time to check with my Preacher and see what he thought about this whole business of “spanking” kids. I should have known he would quote Scripture. So many things in life come down to who you want to believe in regard to what actions we should take. Discipline of children is a difficult, complicated, and highly charged matter. Everyone has an opinion, everyone has a method.

Here are two possible choices; pick one:

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents be encouraged to  develop methods of discipline other than spanking for managing undesired  behavior because of the harm spanking can cause. Spanking has been demonstrated  to be no more effective than other approaches, according to the academy. (D. Barbee, Star-Telegram)

Foolishness is tangled up in the heart of a youth; the rod of discipline will drive it away from him. Don’t withhold correction from a youth; if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. Strike him with a rod and you will rescue his life. . . . (God, the Bible [see Proverbs 22:15; 23:13-14])

I pretty much got the impression my Preacher is going with God. I won’t bother with telling you his opinion of the stand taken by the American Academy of Pediatrics. He did say he spent a lot of time when his kids were growing up saying to his beautiful bride – “go find the kids. Whatever they are doing, tell them to stop!” I can identify with that.

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