Thought For The Day

Great Theatre

I really like great theatre. My undergraduate degree is in theatre and I have always enjoyed drama that elicits one’s full attention.

The Executive and Legislative branches of the U. S. Government are providing some very attention grabbing theatre right now. “We’re on the brink!” “Catastrophe lies ahead!” “The United States Government is on on the precipice of default resulting in Worldwide economic collapse!” “I can’t guarantee the checks will be in the mail.”

The best thing about a “playhouse” is that if the drama is that disconcerting one can walk out of the theatre and get on with other business. One can even ask for their money back. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do either with this current “theatre.”

I would be near the point of despair (and I am greatly concerned about the future for my kids and grand kids as it relates to the health and well being of the United States) if I were not certain that God is in absolute control. I can only believe that the incredible blessings which have accompanied the life and growth of this great Nation are being slowly forfeited as we move further and further from recognizing we are “a Nation under God.”

I believe the Scripture which clearly states, “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord. . .” (Psalm 33:12) As we move increasingly distant from that Truth – the “theatre” will increase.

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