Thought For The Day

Unintended Consequences

Reading about the coming “fall out” of unintended consequences regarding the “debt crisis” legislation is depressing. It’s quite hard to distill the concern to a few words, but these few struck my fancy –

The deal “leaves enormous uncertainty over the future of fiscal policy,” . . . “Most key issues remain unresolved.” (Rick Newman, US News)

Congress has gone home to celebrate their victory – while the economic upheaval continues and the threat of collapse is as real as it was before they began.

So it is with the coming destruction of our great Nation and, perhaps, the whole World. With raucous rebellion inside and outside the Church of Jesus Christ, the moral disintegration of our society, and abandonment of Truth as revealed in God’s Word, multitudes of Believers, and all unbelievers, continue on track for an unexpected intervention by God. Believers who know and understand the Truth recognize that history demands we anticipate what has always followed every Nation that dismissed God from their thinking.

I can hardly wait to hear as our Pastor begins his series this coming Sunday on “What’s Wrong With America.” I hope he knows. I hope he speaks clearly. I hope I have “ears to hear.”

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