The Steel Door
Every day there are a multitude of “steel doors” in our life. It may be a health issue, old age, a drunk or reckless driver, a stray bullet from a shooting nearby, or an enemy of unknown origin.
LIVINGSTON, Texas (AP) — What Cleve Foster remembers most about his recent brushes with death is the steel door, the last one condemned Texas inmates typically walk through before their execution. (Yahoo News)
I don’t know Mr. Foster, or the facts of his case and it’s history, only that he clings to his innocence. I do know that facing our death is never easy. Knowing what is on the other side of that “steel door” is the only reality that make a difference.
Mr. Foster said, recently – “I don’t want to sound vain, but I have confidence in my attorney and confidence in my God. I can win either way.” (Ibid.)
The last part of that statement is the only Truth that makes “steel doors” a matter of little concern. On the other side is the Savior.