Now What?
Do you ever find yourself saying, “I would have, but, I was just too. . . .
I am sure I have never met more than a few people in my life who are not too busy, too tired, too upset, too poor, too angry, too late, and too misunderstood, to accomplish whatever it is that needs to be done.
As a runner (and I use the term loosely) I find endless excuses why I don’t train, don’t eat right, can’t because I hurt, lose, and fail to live up to expectations. And for every other effort in life, most of us (read: all of us) find some excuses that work for us in a pinch, and we are almost always in a pinch.
I remember, as a boy, reading the biography of George Carver. He once said, “Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” — George Washington Carver, American botanist (1864-1943).
As do others, we Believers have an excuse for being late, for being difficult, for missing vital meetings, and for failing to show up. Our Pastor tells me he could write a book filled with excuses he has heard over the years for people missing Church services and gatherings, not reading and understanding the Word of God, seldom (if ever) sharing the Good News with others, and avoiding the opportunity to minister to the family of God and others in our World.
So, when I am often irregular in writing these posts – try to remember – I am so busy with other things. . . .