I have to admit, I never thought it would happen. I have wished, hoped, longed, even prayed that the time would come – now I wonder if anyone is listening.
Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is saying exactly what must be said, and what we must hear (and follow with decisive action) if there is any hope at all for our Nation economically.
“The waste is unbelievable,” says Coburn. “We’re bankrupt, this country is bankrupt, and people just don’t want to admit it.” “What was once a great country has been mortgaged and bankrupted by the egos and ethics of career politicians,” says Coburn, who adds the only way to change the system is to vote out all the incumbents. “If you want to change the trajectory of our country, if you want to get rid of the hundreds of billions of dollars of waste every year, you have to change who is there.” (Yahoo News)
The article in the News today list several items that are a total waste, according to Coburn – including Congress itself, but I especially liked this one which came as a surprise to me.
Loopholes are part of the problem. The National Football League, for example, pulled in more than $9 billion last year, yet is technically a “non-profit” organization, costing the federal government tens of millions of dollars every year in lost revenue. (Ibid.)
Undoubtedly what Senator Coburn is saying is true – and extremely important. What hardly anyone is saying, however, is that the primary (main, chief, key, prime, principal, major, crucial, top, leading, foremost) issue in the life of our Nation (and our life individually) is our refusal to honor Jehovah God as Lord of Heaven and Earth and to follow His TRUTH clearly revealed to us through His Son Jesus Christ, and His Word, the Bible.
It is often said that we (as a people of a Representative Republic) “cannot legislate morality.” While that may be true, I think the opposite is absolutely true – we can legislate morality out of existence in the lives of the vast majority of Americans. I have no ideal how many years, or how many generations that might take, but I believe we are well on our way (close?) to that goal. The ego and ethics of many of those who lead our Nation politically, and dare I say it, theologically, is proof. Perhaps financial disaster is one of the “tools” that God will use to bring National judgment to us. I know that continued rebellion against Truth has brought judgment throughout the course of history. Are we so bold as to believe that will not continue?
Finally, the economic truth is spoken by a United States Senator. I pray America is listening.