Slow and Lazy
I have been accused of more than a few things over the course of my life, but never (that I can remember) of being “slow and lazy.” If being quick and hyperactive are the opposites, then I will assume I need not worry the accusations will come.
The writer of Hebrews (19th book in the New Testament) suggests some of the people to whom he is writing are slow to learn Spiritual things, and in danger of becoming lazy in the pursuit of Godliness.
Might I suggest we would all want to take a look at our sluggishness, or lack thereof, in relationship to moving toward spiritual maturity. If we are inattentive or inactive in our Bible study, prayer, ministry, mission, and commitment to llove one another, perhaps a warning would be in order. . .and appreciated.
As our society continues with gathering speed toward dissolution at the hand of God’s righteous judgment, perhaps we would want to discover a little more “hurry” in our movement toward conformity to the image of the Savior.
Just saying. . .