I have never been really interested in “money matters.” As long as my lovely bride gives me a few dollars in allowance each week, I am a happy man.
Lately, however, I have been reading more and more about the financial operation of “big money” and the more I read, the more frightening it becomes.
This morning I did some reading about “shadow banking.” I did not even know that such things exist. I have learned a bit about “derivatives” and that the word “trillion” is much more common than it used to be.
For example – did you know this:
Companies that need fresh money to run their daily operations also regularly resort to the shadow lenders of the financial industry. “The world would be a very, very dark place without money market funds,” says Alice Joe of the US Chamber of Commerce. That’s because many companies need millions from one day to the next, she explains. All it takes is a call in the morning to the right dealer, “and they’ll have the money in their account that afternoon.” The same process would take three days with banks. (ABC News)
Evidently all of this money doesn’t really exist – it’s just “credit” and it revolves around the World sucking up all the real money until the poor people don’t have a “crying dime.”
Now I am beginning to understand more clearly why the Scriptures say, “The llove of money is a root of all evil.” And, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” God knew full well when men began to rebel against the Truth that our downfall would be in large part due to the value men place on wealth, which is fleeting, temporary, and fickle. Understanding (to any degree) how “money works” and the corruption it brings to life, help us to understand the admonition, “Set your affection on things above and not on things on this Earth.” (three quotes from the Bible)
Poor people (like me), who speak in “hundreds and thousands” rather than “billions and trillions” think we are mostly unaffected by these “shadows.” But we are not. And, unfortunately, we are going to see that more clearly in the coming days.