Are They Right?
It has been said so many times by so many people that I am beginning to think they are right. Perhaps it is true that the American electorate is so – what word do I want here – so uninformed (write me for a list of all the words I chose not to use) that they will believe almost anything the President or Congress says.
The Affordable Health Care Act is a disaster. It always has been – it always will be. Recently the insurance mandate primarily for Small Business (Big Business has already been exempted by-in-large) was delayed a year. Numerous groups, including Congress, have been exempted from even being part of it. Costs for medical care, which were absolutely going to come down to the lowest levels ever, have shot skyward like an out of control rocket. Medicare has been, and continues to be robbed of its financial underpinnings. Physicians are leaving practices, medical services are being denied – it’s a disaster! Now, here come the Republicans:
If the White House can grant a one-year delay for employers — as the administration did just last week — individuals should get the same consideration, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and other senior Republicans said in a letter to the president. (Associated Press)
What? What? Millions have asked the Republicans to stop this thing. They can’t of course. No courage. No morality. No plan. No will to stand for the American people. Now they have the timidity to ask for a delay?
Why? What for? It’s a disaster! Anyone with any sense knows that, understands that, has screamed that over and over. And now they want the Electorate thinking, “if only we can put it off a year. . .”
How dumb are we?
Solomon said: “There is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes) I should have never thought that from a political perspective there would be. Silly me.