Thought For The Day

On The Run – Special Post 9/22/13

Obviously another truthless statement – “We have al Qaeda on the run.”

An assault by Islamic extremists at a shopping mall in Kenya, a suicide attack on a Pakistani church and assaults by suicide bombers targeting mourners at Shiite and Sunni funerals in Iraq have killed more than 250 people and injured at least 470 others since Saturday. (Associated Press)

Since the only Islamic extremists we can find are always associated with “al Queda”, it must be true that they are busy about their business. They are on a run toward destruction of all that is good and right.

Our only hope is to turn to God. Trusting in our Government, our might, our armament, or our resolve will ultimately fail. They are coming for us! Soon! As sure as the sun rises in the morning – that day is coming should Christ’s return for His bride be delayed. We MUST return to God before it is everlastingly too late.

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