Thought For The Day

Day Dream

Please don’t tell my boss (the Pastor) that I have been taking time for a day dream. With so many things to do, so many wonderful things to write, and so many of his “sermons” to correct, I really don’t have time for day dreaming.

I was imagining how it would be if the Church were like Apple, Inc. There is something about the introduction of new “i-phones” that make the imagination soar regarding how it might be if Churches offered the kind of value, innovation, and quality which seems to follow Apple.

Apple fanatics snapped up the new 5c and 5s models in droves, with lines snaking around Apple’s iconic retail stores last week. Some ebullient fans even camped out overnight, in order to be the first to get a hold of the new device. (CNBC)

I can see lines “snaking around” the Church, passing by the tents of those who have come long distances to camp out overnight in anticipation of hearing the Gospel the following day. “Droves” of people with a consuming desire to hear the Good News and come to know Christ.

Actually that is what the Church proclaims. . .isn’t it? Incredible value (eternal life beginning at the Cross and never ending), a quality of life that includes infinite llove, absolute peace, comfort, hope, endless joy, and the innovation of God Himself living by the power of His Spirit in each individual life. MY SOUL!!

That is what we are living and offering to share, right? Right?

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