Thought For The Day

Remember When?

I remember there were boys who thought it would be the most hysterical fun to enter the contest for Homecoming Queen. Once or twice they managed to get their name on the ballot (I have no idea how), and they would get. . .maybe, 10 votes.

Times have changed. The stories proliferate these days as “transgendered” students are finding the rules regarding the sexes change as quickly as the ignorance of the populace declines.

A western Pennsylvania school board won’t let a student who was born female but identifies as male run for homecoming king. (Associated Press)

Just yesterday I read about a boy who won the Homecoming Queen contest he entered because he “feels just like a girl.”

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a controversial bill into law Monday afternoon allowing the state’s transgender public school students to choose which bathrooms they use and whether they participate in boy or girl sports. (Fox News)

I am watching our society, lead by liars (just listen to our Government. . .PLEASE), fueled by greed (the love of money is greater now than ever), promoted by the ignorant (if you are not aware of where we are headed as a people you may be part of the problem), and damaged by the mentally unstable (You can see that, right?), rush off the cliff of sanity with reckless abandon. (Did I really just say that?). Maybe I will change my mind tomorrow.

But this one thing I know. God will not change. God did not/does not create “transgendered” individuals. That is our doing. His Truth regarding ignorance, greed, lying, and every other vice of men will never change.

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