Church Is Open
I have been reading some of the stories in today’s “news” written by people whose life is tragically damaged by the Government “shutdown.” For example, Government workers who are “non-essential” and are staying at home – without pay. Never mind that every time the Government has been “shut down” (usually for a few hours or a day or two) those workers have received back pay for time lost, after the “shutdown” was over. I guess I am surprised that people can’t go one or two days without a paycheck. Actually I am even more surprised that the Government pays it workers daily anyway. Who knew?
I read one story about a man complaining that his father needed daily care. He has been getting this care for quite some time, but he needs a Government ID to prove he is who he says he is. Again, I am surprised that the ID’s issued by the Government expire each day and have to be renewed daily. The same guy is concerned that they won’t be able to prove that the handicap tag hanging on the mirror actually belongs to his father – hence they will need to park one space over. Of course, he could hope that the Government workers who check every handicap tag, everyday, and ask for your Government ID, might be folks who are considered “non-essential,” so it will probably be OK.
Perhaps you think I made this up. Nope! There are actually people out there who are convinced life as we know it is over if those rascally Republicans don’t compromise right now – now, do you hear me! And, I am surprised, silly me, I thought that a “compromise” in any circumstance involved both sides. Who knew?
I hope God never “shuts down.” Imagine no air, no rain, – well, forget the rain, I can do without that for a few days – but that air thing, that’s a biggy.
And just so you know, the Church is open – and will be throughout the entirety of the “shutdown.” We don’t have Government workers, and we don’t check ID’s. Shoot, we don’t even check those handicap things. Maybe we need to start that.