Thought For The Day

Really Old Pictures

There has been a long tradition in educational circles (and it continues unabated) to teach our children – thence our University students – thence the “public” that the Bible cannot be true because there are so many proofs that the Earth has been inhabited for tens of thousands of years (or longer). Someone found some new cave drawings down in Brazil that are garnering attention. Up to now the knowledge folks have said people didn’t get to South America (coming from Africa) until about 12,000 years ago.

Now, some of the knowledge folks say these drawings prove that humans (like us, I think) were there 30,000 years ago. I took a look at some of the drawings – and guess what? They look exactly like some of the drawings my kids (and multitudes of other kids) created a while back. And while I am old, I am not old enough to have 30,000 year old kids. I have no idea when the cave drawings were created, but I surmise it may not be quiet that long. There is nothing in the articles I read that would lead me to believe they are that old. It just seems like some artifact hunter is determined to get his/her name in print. Bottom line is – the story of the Earth’s history according to “scientists” keeps changing. I have always worried about folks who keep changing their stories.

One thing about God’s Word. It never changes. Never has, never will. What we learned 4000 years ago is what we learn today. What happened on this very Earth, on a hilltop outside Jerusalem 2000 years ago is still the same narrative we are declaring in 2013.

I don’t know how old the Earth is. I am confident it doesn’t matter anyway. I do know that it will end soon – if not for everyone, at least for you. And, You best be getting ready for that.

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