Thought For The Day

Wagging the Dog

My Preacher tells me he has been called “names” before. He doesn’t let it bother him much. He told me someone once called him a “fire-brand.” He doesn’t even know what that means. Lots of folks think he is too. . .”conservative,” a “Bible thumper,” a Believer who is stuck on the Truth in God’s revealed Word and is unwilling to cut any slack for those who feel otherwise.

He called me in to complain that this latest name calling has him upset. He’s quite old, as you know, and nearing the end of a rather unremarkable career – so he’s kind of “touchy.”

He supports the ideal of a1950’s – ’60’s lifestyle and a time when Government was not so intrusive in the lives of its citizens. A place where sanity was common and common sense was fairly plentiful, Congress had some leaders who were men and women of principal, honesty, and intellect kept things together. I asked him if he could give me some year when that was an accurate evaluation of Government. Of course he couldn’t. It was a “delusional pipe dream” then as much as it is now.

“But,” he said, “at least they didn’t call me names.” When I asked what he was talking about he showed me this quote from House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi:

But we do have to recognize that among those on the Republican side are those who are anti-government ideologues [emphasis mine] and they cannot wag this dog. And they cannot wag this dog. They cannot wag this dog.” (Yahoo News)

“I am,” he said, “one of those people who is greatly concerned about the impending collapse of our Nation – now that we are being led by ‘dogs.’ I am not interested in ‘wagging the dog,” he said. “I just want the ‘dogs’ gone.”

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