Church Trial
I did not know the United Methodist Church actually puts their clergy “on trial” when they violate the UMC “law.” The story driving the trial is making news because it is part of the agenda of the homosexual community – and they are seeking as much publicity as possible.
The “wedding” in question was performed in 2007. The trial is November 18th, 2013. There was another wedding this week in a UMC Church in Philadelphia in which over 50 ministers (of all faiths) participated. The Philadelphia Inquirer is wondering if the UMC will try them all.
The issue for me is smaller. When I read the article today, I was struck by the comment of the clergy woman performing the ceremony at this latest event. Here is the quote –
“Your church, your pastor, those pastors who have gathered here today, clergy not only who are United Methodists but other faiths as well, say you are not only accepted but you are acceptable in the sight of God,” the Rev. Robin Hynicka, the church’s pastor, told the men as cheers from nearly 400 supporters echoed in the vaulted ceiling. (Philadelphia Inquirer)
Now it doesn’t matter to me what the UMC and their leadership do, or what the particular “church” in which the wedding occurred does, or what may be the outcome of any trials. I do, however, have a concern with those who would corrupt the Truth of Scripture.
Certainly one may say, “your church, your pastor, those pastors who have gathered here today,” accept you. That may be a true and accurate statement. On the other hand, to say that one who is in clear violation of Scripture (I did not say – lost or unredeemed) can never be “acceptable” to God because God is never accepting of sin. It is sin that caused God to “crush” the very Lamb sent by him to redeem mankind from the curse of sin and death (see Isaiah 53). Our Father has no tolerance for sin. If we have come to saving faith in Christ, we are accepted in “the Beloved.” But we are separated from Him by our unconfessed sin – which He would freely forgive if we truly “confess.” (You must understand all of these words in the light of revealed Truth).
To say (as in confirming our belief), or believe (as to our course of action) something opposite of what God has said is sin. Sin separates us from God as surely as darkness is separate from light.