Thought For The Day

What’s Next? (repeated from 2007 -still true)

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33

Do you ever find yourself in the position of wondering what you are going to do next? Sometimes even before we finish what we are doing, we’re wondering what is going to follow. Besides keeping our minds way too busy, that kind of wondering hinders us from appreciating or enjoying the moment. Some have said that it is not the destination that is so important, but rather, the journey.

In Matthew 6 the Father gives us good counsel regarding our incredible ability to worry about everything even to the point of rushing through things so we can get to other things to rush through. Many of us rush through the week so we can get a day or two off which we will rush through so we can get back to what we are afraid will fail without us.

We have not learned that while the future is important, and planning is wise, and care needs to be exercised in all our work and effort, we must take time to enjoy the moment. We must lessen our concern about how everything is going to turn out, and believe that if we do what the Father has commanded, however it turns out is OK.

Now what? Well, remind yourself of verse 33 in this 6th Chapter of Matthew. A simple command, adequately followed, taking priority, and overshadowing every other thing, will yield exactly what we desire.

I’d write more, but I’ve got a lot of other stuff to do. . .

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