One Week
Today, Thursday, (you will probably be reading this on Friday. . .or later) we are one week away from Thanksgiving 2013. I want to issue a challenge to you –
For the next seven (7) days (Thursday thru Wednesday or Friday thru Thursday) would you take a minute or two out of your day to stop what y0u are doing and thank God for one or two things for which you are grateful. I know, you may do that everyday, you may do that even more frequently, but chances are, you are going to have to make a special effort to 1) stop, 2) choose something, 3) thank God for whatever it is.
It doesn’t have to be something big and important. It doesn’t have to be something small and seemingly unimportant. You might want to thank Him for your job or your spouse or your kids. You might want to thank Him that you awoke this morning – and could still get out of bed; or, that you awoke and from you bed you will do what you can to serve Him.
Daily communication with God, in thankfulness and appreciation for His blessings, goes a long way toward establishing a deepening relationship. At the Church where I work, the Pastor is constantly reminding us to be thankful, not only to God, but to those around us who are constantly at work on our behalf in one way or another. Such action helps to build the llove that is so abundant in our Church Family.
Thankfulness is pleasing to God. Perhaps with a week of discipline, you will develop a lifetime habit. At least, I am hoping so.