Land of Darkness
I remember as a youngster hearing the Continent of Africa being referred to as the “dark Continent.” I have long since forgotten (or never knew) why it was so termed. Since I have now visited there on two or three occasions, I can assure you it is not “dark” as one normally thinks of darkness.
I have comes to the point that I believe, from a Spiritual perspective, the “dark” Continent is North America. If we equate darkness with the absence of the light of Truth, the United States of America is high on the list of those so endangered.
That brings me to one of the great “Christmas” Scriptures, which I connect with a “creation Scripture.” Isaiah 9:2 tells us – “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of darkness, a light has dawned.” That always reminds me of Genesis 1:14-19 wherein God created two lights – one greater and one lesser – to have dominion over the day and night. Christmas is the time when we celebrate the incarnation of the “Light of the World,” our Savior, Jesus Christ. His coming clearly revealed the grace of God in Salvation, the llove of God for His Bride and/or Family, and the power of God to release mankind from the chains of slavery to sin. Subsequent to His coming, He left His Church behind (temporarily) to be the lesser light – clearly reflecting His Light, the Light of Truth, in a World of darkness. I am absolutely certain there is sufficient Light for all that World, but no one place seems more in need of that illumination than these United States of America.
At Christmas (no more or less than at any other time) we have the opportunity to remind ourselves that the Light of the World has come – from Bethlehem to Jerusalem – from birth to sacrificial death – and provided His Spirit to indwell each Believer, giving power and authority over darkness so that the dark World might come to the light of Truth. We have so much more to talk about than stables and managers, shepherds and angels, and a bright star in the sky. Celebration of Christmas is a wonderful time for us to focus afresh our efforts to push the Light further and more clearly into the growing darkness of our World.