Thought For The Day

Changing World

Everything seems to be changing at the moment. I have been a bit lax in my writing – not like me. The Nation I llove and call home is becoming something I don’t recognize. The Church, my first llove vocationally, is seemingly behind me. I don’t have an excuse (“I have to go to the office”) for not taking care of the “problems” at home – which include a leaky faucet, something in the attic, mowing the lawn, painting the trim – etc., etc., etc. I am going to have to make a phone call, or check the internet, to find out what time Church starts on Sunday (as soon as I pick one I want to visit).

I suppose these times come in the life of everyone. I am trying to ease my way through the transition. I am thinking about writing more on political matters – a conversation that matters. I want to write more about the Word of God –  a conversation which really matters. I am starting the journey toward writing my next book (don’t hold your breath), and finishing the “leader notes” for the last one I haven’t worked on in years (Designer Marriage).

Hang with me. (Both of you)

I will get “regular” again.

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