Thought For The Day

First Sunday

Today was my first Sunday in. . .well, a long time, to be WITHOUT the Preacher hanging out on my words. I was up at the regular time – forget sleeping later, and decided to attend the 8am service at Countryside Bible Church in Southlake. I arrived there about two minutes before the service began. It was just fine. Good music (piano, organ, orchestra), songs I knew, and the Pastor/Teacher, Tom Pennington, knows his stuff.

Somehow, sitting there, watching it all, and singing along, then thumbing through to the Message Scripture, seemed all wrong. I guess it’s been so long since I have done that, I felt a little rusty – or, perhaps, that is not the position I am supposed to be in – the pew, I mean. Oh well.

Only one person said anything to me. The usher at the door where I entered the auditorium said “Good-morning” and handed me a Worship Folder. I had passed the Pastor in the hall on the way in. I guess he did not know who I am. But then, right now, I don’t know who I am. I passed him again on the way out but his attention was occupied by a lady with something important – I am sure. So, he still doesn’t know who I am.

But here is one thing for sure – for both you and me. God knows who we are. He knows where we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to be doing – assuming that you are not already “where” and “doing” as you should.

Find that, will ‘ya. Become all that God has designed you to be – empowered to do what you are designed to do. To miss that is to miss LIFE.


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