Thought For The Day

Get Your Own

I suppose that at some point almost everyone wishes they would win something. Winning feels good, and if there is a prize involved, so much the better. Some things are a bit more prestigious than others, and, one wonders how some winnings ever make it back to the public market.

A 1936 Nobel Peace Prize discovered at a South American pawn shop is heading to the auction block. It’s only the second Nobel Prize to come to auction. The medal will be sold March 29 in Baltimore by Stack’s Bowers Galleries. The auction also includes the first Pulitzer Prize for Public Service to ever come to auction. It was presented to the now-defunct New York World-Telegram in 1932.  (Associated Press)

I would think someone in the “winner’s” family would forever hang on to this kind of stuff. Maybe there is no family left – or maybe for these folks life is summed up in “easy come, easy go.”

There is one “prize” which can never be passed down from one to another. That prize is God’s grace. Every recipient must come alone, in individual faith, acknowledging their sin of unbelief, to receive the gift of eternal life and the indwelling, empowering, Spirit of God. God’s grace can never be purchased second-hand.

It often runs in families, however. Keep your family close to God until each has come to Faith. Get yourself and your kids to a place where Truth is taught and faith is clear and llove abounds. They are not likely to find it later on in a pawn shop world.

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