Life Verse
Job 13:5
There was a time somewhere back in the “olden” days (now remember, I’m pretty old) when people talked about their “life verse.” One doesn’t hear that much anymore, that is, someone taking a particular verse of Scripture and making it a daily thought, or an appropriate action for their spiritual operation, but it was fairly common once.
Somewhere along the way I chose a particular verse that seemed to suit me just perfectly. I made a large copy of the words and posted them on my office wall (they’re still there). Every time I see those words I am reminded how often I fail to live up to the principle.
My chosen verse is Job 13:5. It says, “O that you would be silent! And it would be your wisdom.” Now for those who know me, is that a chorus of “amen’s” I hear? I have learned (regardless of my practice) over the years that one of the best things I can say is nothing. Doing so helps to eliminate the “foot in mouth” problem, the “I wish I hadn’t said that” syndrome, the “I’m just saying it because it’s true” lie, and the always popular “I take it back” impossibility.
Paul (the Spirit of God, really) said, “Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth.” (Ephesians 4:29) We would really do well to take that to heart and make it an overriding characteristic of our daily walk. Sometimes we say inappropriate and hurtful things. At other times we spread gossip or speak slander. We are quick with our verbal opinions and comments, and we speak before we think, or pray, or get the permission of God to say what we are confident needs to be said.
Wise folk have prudent lips. Wise folks watch what they say. Wise folk hear their own words before they leave the mouth and must be endured by others.
My constant prayer is for that kind of wisdom!