Honor the King
I hope you are a patriot! This is the greatest Nation on Earth – and it is so because of the people who have built it thus far, and it is dependent on those now, and those to come, to continue the task.
The Scripture is clear (1 Peter 2:13-17) that we have a responsibility to “submit ourselves” to every institution of civil and social order on Earth. That would include obedience to the Federal Government, the State Government, police and judges. It is only when there is an attempt to force us to do what is contrary to the revealed Word of God that we are to refuse to submit. Then, of course, like Daniel (Old Testament – Lion’s Den, etc.), we are to suffer the consequences.
What the Scripture does not mean is that we, as believers, are to lose our right to work against the failures of Government to rule in line with what is right, good, and productive for the health of our society. In fact, we have an obligation as citizens of the United States of America, to work for the election of decent, intelligent, law-abiding people to public office. We have an obligation to speak-up against lies, failures, corruption, graft, and the imposition of legislation, or failure to impose legislation, which damages society and weakens our Nation. We have an obligation to “fight” for the foundational principles enumerated by the “founding fathers” of this Republic. We have an obligation to “demand” strict adherence to the Constitution of the United States.
There will be times when we would rather not pray for our leadership, but we have no choice in the matter. We have direction from God. There are times when we would like to practice “civil disobedience,” but that is not in line with our requirement to submit – short, of course, of violating the laws of God.
I believe America (as we know it) is on the edge of unparalleled disaster. We need Godly men and women who speak up, work within the system, elect the right people to public office, vote, participate, and live so that others see Christ in their life – socially and politically.
The Psalmist said, “Blessed is the Nation who God is the Lord.” We’re a long way from that reality. Only God’s people can change that.
On July 4th, stand tall, salute the flag, repeat the pledge, enjoy a hot dog and some fireworks. Then, get to WORK. Our Nation needs us like never before!