UFOs ??
After 20 plus years of filing Freedom of Information documents, the Government has finally opened the records on Unidentified Flying Objects.
The truth is out there — now on the Web. The fabled Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s files on UFO sightings and investigations, have tantalized and frustrated extraterrestrial enthusiasts for decades. But this past week, nearly 130,000 pages of declassified UFO records — a trove that would make Agent Fox Mulder’s mouth water — were put online. (Detroit Free Press)
I have never seen a UFO. I don’t believe they exist. But plenty of people do. I suppose it is possible that they are out there somewhere — what is it the Bible says, “All things are possible, only believe.” (Matthew 19:26)
I have seen some UFUs – unusually friendly ushers. I know some UCKs – unusually crazy kids. I have even spent time with some UFDs – unusual ferocious Deacons (Just kidding, of course).
I also know a UIS – uniquely infinite Savior. That is the best part of all knowledge. One other thing I know. If there are “aliens” out there somewhere, God lloves them and has provided for their eternal salvation – just as He has you and me.
I’ve never seen an ufo, but I know some people that I am convinced are from outer space.
The bible says we are aliens (and totally legal)