For a lot of years I left home on Sunday morning for Church at or before 7am. Now, I don’t leave until much later and it has allowed me to tune in to some of the World’s favorite TV preachers. In addition, I have had the opportunity to hear (and read) sermons from others whose names you might know.
Unfortunately I hear a lot of things that just don’t sound right to me. Of course, I am interested in hearing the Word of God exposited with clarity and authority. Sometimes what I get is reminiscent of the foolishness I hear constantly from folks who work for our Government, along with those who seem to have little or no knowledge of Scripture.
Maybe the SCOTUS is going to get it right this time. They seem to be hearing the same kind of thinking and rhetoric on the part of the United States Government.
Justice Antonin Scalia provided the most memorable bon mot from last week’s oral arguments in King v. Burwell — the latest and most important Supreme Court challenge to Obamacare since 2012. “How can the federal government establish a state exchange?” he asked Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. “That’s gobbledygook.” (FORBES)
Truth is, all intelligent people know that the Government has more than its share of gobbledygook. It is very sad, however, that many people don’t know the leaders/speakers for a multitude of “churches” have more than their share as well. Gobbledygook will not assure anyone a place in Heaven, not to mention the victorious, blessed life of a Believer in this current evil World.
To find the TRUTH one must go to the Word of God, the Bible, the Canonized Scripture revelatory of the mind of Christ. It is there that one finds salvation, hope, peace, joy, victory, comfort, and God’s endless supply of grace. That is not to even mention that wonderful passage in James 1:17: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Or the verses in 1 Corinthians 1:4-9: . . .because of God’s grace given to you in Christ Jesus, that by Him you were enriched in everything — in all speech and all knowledge. In this way, the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you, so that you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful; you were called by Him into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pay attention, folks. There’s no gobbledygook there!
One Comment
Amen, No goggledygook.